PTC Supports Legislation at the Capitol Aimed at Preventing the Social Transitioning of Minors

March 4, 2025

PTC President Vanessa Sivadge is testifying on behalf of House Bill 2258 filed by State Representative Steve Toth today. HB 2258 Texas Vulnerable Youth Protection Act imposes civil liability on anyone who causes or contributes to the social and sexual transitioning of a minor. 

This bill supports PTC’s mission of protecting children from the “transgender cult” by discouraging teachers, doctors, or anyone else from physically or psychologically altering or mutilating the minds and bodies of children.

In addition to testifying on the House floor in favor of HB 2258, PTC is also at the Capitol for Vulnerable Youth Advocacy Day. Motivated citizens who are interested in ending the gender transitioning of Texas children are gathering in the Capitol today to garner support from legislators for this bill. These citizens are handing out literature to legislators with more information about the importance of HB 2258.

PTC is excited to participate in Vulnerable Youth Advocacy Day at the Capitol and is looking forward to educating lawmakers on the importance of preserving the innocence of the next generation. Vanessa will testify on the House Floor in favor of legislation that will cause nefarious people pushing leftwing agendas to hesitate before engaging in the brainwashing or mutilation of children. 

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